Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Organize Yourself One Month at a Time

I am so excited to share with you for the very first time!  Thank you, Tiffani, for allowing me to join Time 4 Organization.  My name is Stacey from Teaching Ever After. I have been blogging there for just over 2 years, but I have been teaching for almost 10 years.  Where does time go?!  I currently teach 1st grade, but have also taught 2nd for the greater majority of my career.  I hope you enjoy my organization tips between my classroom and home!

  This idea was shared with me years ago from a seasoned teacher and I have to say it is absolutely brilliant.  I joined a team who liked to be ahead of the game.  This meant stacks of papers everywhere!  This eliminates the stacks completely and you are organized for a whole month of teaching.  Can you say AMAZING!  

I have 32 file folders in my file cabinet.  They are labeled 1-31 for the days of the month and one says "Sub Folder".  As my team makes copies I throw them into one of the dated folders where I think I will be using them.  For example, I know I do my reading comprehension test every Friday.  As my teammate makes copies of the tests I am able to pop it into the dated folder.  NO MORE STACKS!!  

The "Sub Folder" contains my generic lesson plans, class list, seating chart, extra work, and important information.

The best part is it is so easy to prepare for a sub or if you have an emergency you can send a teammate over to your room and direct them to the file folder for the day, week, or month if need be.  
I did originally post this as a bright idea on my blog and I have received some questions.  I want to be absolutely clear that I do NOT have my entire month planned in advance.  I simply have all of my pre-copied items organized as I receive them.  I am an organized person, but never could I plan out a month in advance. LOL!

I hope you enjoy this organizational tip and it is helpful as you begin your new year!

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