Sunday, April 1, 2012

Time 4 Organization- New Blog on the Block

Welcome to Time 4 Organization.  You probably found my blog through my teaching blog Time 4 Kindergarten.  When you are a teacher you need to be organized.  I have a desperate desire for everything  to be contained, labeled, color coded, matching, formatted precicely and neatly stacked.  I started this blog as a way for me to share how I organize my classroom and contain my chaos is the process.  Each week I'll share tips or techniques on how to help keep you and your classroom organized. So, to get this party I mean blog started I'll share my all time new favorite tool. It is the portable battery operated stapler.  Perfect for all those stapling needs about the classroom. Wether you are making headbands or stapling books together. Dong it multiple times can be tiring on the poor hand. There are many different brands out there; this is one that I like.
Electric Portable Stapeler
I hope you will sign up to follow my sight in all the ways possible.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Tiffani,
    OMG - I so neeeeeeeeddddd you! I am teaching a K/1 combo in the same classroom I taught first grade in for a billion years (not really - about ten years) and in my desire to make things "kindergartney" enough for the kinders, I have WAY too much stuff and not enough organization of all of my stuff. So I am thrilled with this idea for a blog and look forward to reading your posts! I will learn a lot from you!
    An Open Door

  2. Camille, Thanks for your comment. I've been teaching a long time grades k-3 so I have a TON of stuff. I had to keep it organized or I'd be swallowed up by it all. Keep following

  3. I love your blog Time for Kindergarten, will be looking forward to great ideas from you on this blog as well.
    A Teachers Touch

  4. Congrats!!!! Love your posts on Time4kindergarten!!! You have inspire me, A-ha moments and lol moments..... Thanks for organization!

  5. Yay!!! You are my hero! I so need someone to come organize my classroom! When I walked in my classroom 10 years ago, there was sooo much stuff and everybody kept telling me I needed it all. Now, 10 years later, I have that same stuff and more! UGH! HELP ME! :) Can't wait for the organization and tossing to begin! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  6. I just signed up. I'm one of the unorganized people who need others' ideas to help me out. I look forward to your posts and advice.


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