Large Floor Puzzles
The large blue containers are a much needed improvement over the cardboard boxes as you can see from my photos below. I salvaged the picture from the box and taped it to the inside of the lid, so students will have it to refer to. I labeled the front of the box with a number and did the same for the back of each puzzle piece. This way when I do find a random puzzle piece I will know exactly which container to put it in.
Tray Puzzles
I really debated over what to do with these. As I said earlier I was using the wire rack, but the rack didn't work, puzzles always fell. Originally I bought smaller plastic containers to put them in and my intention was to label the puzzle pieces with numbers and write the corresponding number on the puzzle board. I would really like to use this system. However,the containers do take up more space,and I just don't have the room. Instead I stacked all the tray puzzles in one large plastic container that is kept on the shelf next to the big floor puzzles. I will rotate these puzzles for the kids to use.
Someday I may get super creative and take a photo of each puzzle and put it in a photo album with the puzzle number, for the kids to flip through and select their puzzle. Until then, they will just have to use the method I'v put into place.